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Hey, I’m Millie, or more affectionately known as "Wholesome Mils." You’ll find me on TikTok and Instagram, where I create content centred around wellness, fitness, hormone health, and lifestyle. My true passion lies in uniting like-minded women and helping them reach their best selves. It’s this passion that makes me feel right at home here, within the Strong Girl Society, and is probably why Holly and I became such close friends. Just two strong and wholesome girls, surrounded by other strong wholesome girls!

Hey, I’m Millie, or more affectionately known as "Wholesome Mils." You’ll find me on TikTok and Instagram, where I create content centred around wellness, fitness, hormone health, and lifestyle. My true passion lies in uniting like-minded women and helping them reach their best selves. It’s this passion that makes me feel right at home here, within the Strong Girl Society, and is probably why Holly and I became such close friends. Just two strong and wholesome girls, surrounded by other strong wholesome girls!

My Journey


My wellness journey mirrors that of many people’s, beginning at the start of lockdown after years of trying to become that ‘wellness fitness wholefoods girly’. With the newfound consistency of lockdown, I finally had the time to develop small daily habits. Before I delve deeper, it is important to understand my journey in the context of intermittent struggles with mental health since my teenage years. I have had struggles like many others sadly have too, with anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. Anxiety, in particular, was unfortunately a constant companion. I gradually discovered that exercise offered respite from the mental noise, the jaw clenching, tingling limbs, and the breathlessness.

Finding Balance


Upon discovering that exercise held the key to my “happiness,” I went through phases where I took it slightly too far. It became something I couldn’t go a day without, and I leaned on it for every ounce of positivity. Through a process of learning, growth, and healing, I’ve finally come to see running, weightlifting, yoga, and all forms of movement as complementary to my life and happiness, rather than life itself.

You wouldn’t stop eating, and only take supplements in order to hit your nutrient requirements for the day… so why solely use exercise to feel happiness? There are so many ways to nourish your mind which you can find a list of at the end of this blog post. This is where structured training plans like the SGS guides played a crucial role… anchoring me and preventing overtraining.

Finding Balance


Upon discovering that exercise held the key to my “happiness,” I went through phases where I took it slightly too far. It became something I couldn’t go a day without, and I leaned on it for every ounce of positivity. Through a process of learning, growth, and healing, I’ve finally come to see running, weightlifting, yoga, and all forms of movement as complementary to my life and happiness, rather than life itself.

You wouldn’t stop eating, and only take supplements in order to hit your nutrient requirements for the day… so why solely use exercise to feel happiness? There are so many ways to nourish your mind which you can find a list of at the end of this blog post. This is where structured training plans like the SGS guides played a crucial role… anchoring me and preventing overtraining.



The sight of “rest day” on a plan put together by a professional initially unnerved me because I never believed I needed one. Yet I soon learned the importance of taking one when overtraining led to the loss of my period for nearly four years, ironically exacerbating my long-term mental discomfort.

It took me a year to heal my hormones and finally restore my menstrual cycle. Now I’m deeply passionate about women’s health, a theme that consistently shines through on my platforms. Remember this: Take your rest day. Follow the plan. It’s not just something you deserve; it’s essential for becoming the best version of yourself.



The sight of “rest day” on a plan put together by a professional initially unnerved me because I never believed I needed one. Yet I soon learned the importance of taking one when overtraining led to the loss of my period for nearly four years, ironically exacerbating my long-term mental discomfort.

It took me a year to heal my hormones and finally restore my menstrual cycle. Now I’m deeply passionate about women’s health, a theme that consistently shines through on my platforms. Remember this: Take your rest day. Follow the plan. It’s not just something you deserve; it’s essential for becoming the best version of yourself.

The Realisation


I came to a significant realisation—there’s no single “cure” for ending sadness and anxiety; it’s all about finding balance. For me, this includes embracing whole foods, sunlight, nature, exploring sobriety, slowing down, meditating, practising yoga, solo adventures, working out, and breath work.

I discovered ways to enjoy the journey of healing and thriving, making healthier recipes actually taste like the real deal (I even created my own gluten-free, dairy-free, and refined sugar-free e-book which is linked in my social media bios). I began working out because it made me feel good and energised, not because of how it would make me look or out of a sense of obligation. Instead of eliminating things, I started adding elements to my life including foods that made me feel amazing. Before I knew it, my niche expanded beyond fitness; it now encompasses wellness, lifestyle, women’s health, yoga, and self-development.

Wholesome Habits


These are the habits I strive to incorporate into my life to feel like the best version of myself—these are all energy-giving habits as opposed to habits such as mindless scrolling, self-comparison and excessive drinking which generally deplete your energy:

  • Yoga
  • Journaling
  • Baking
  • Meditation
  • Art
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Running
  • Weightlifting
  • Playing piano
  • Trying new things
  • Socialising
  • Walking
  • Sunbathing
  • Taking your supplements
  • Breath work
  • Solo Travelling
  • Friendship date nights
  • Journaling
  • Future planning
  • Manifesting

Wholesome Habits


These are the habits I strive to incorporate into my life to feel like the best version of myself—these are all energy-giving habits as opposed to habits such as mindless scrolling, self-comparison and excessive drinking which generally deplete your energy:

  • Yoga
  • Journaling
  • Baking
  • Meditation
  • Art
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Running
  • Weightlifting
  • Playing piano
  • Trying new things
  • Socialising
  • Walking
  • Sunbathing
  • Taking your supplements
  • Breath work
  • Solo Travelling
  • Friendship date nights
  • Journaling
  • Future planning
  • Manifesting

Top tips for anxiety and low mood


  • Shift your focus from your head to your body through breath work, yoga, running, walking, or training.
  • Prioritise high-quality sleep if possible.
  • Limit caffeine intake to one or two cups per day at most.
  • Establish a morning routine to minimise negative thoughts and save time.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Spend quality time with people, especially those who make you laugh.
  • Plan something exciting in the near future to provide a sense of purpose and motivation.
  • Take a moment to appreciate your surroundings and be present.

Top tips for anxiety and low mood


  • Shift your focus from your head to your body through breath work, yoga, running, walking, or training.
  • Prioritise high-quality sleep if possible.
  • Limit caffeine intake to one or two cups per day at most.
  • Establish a morning routine to minimise negative thoughts and save time.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Spend quality time with people, especially those who make you laugh.
  • Plan something exciting in the near future to provide a sense of purpose and motivation.
  • Take a moment to appreciate your surroundings and be present.

Tips if you’re struggling with your hormone health


  • Don’t skip your supplements.
  • Swap high-intensity training for low-impact workouts, yoga, and runs. The SGS plans can guide you through this.
  • Increase your protein intake; Holly’s ebooks and instagram is full of delicious high-protein recipes.
  • Reduce your consumption of caffeine, processed foods, and refined sugar. – Foster connections with others, embrace emotional intimacy, and release oxytocin
  • Listen to your body, nourish it and feed its hunger signals.
  • Start your day with a balanced breakfast rich in protein and healthy fats, but don’t forget the carbs.

Tips if you’re struggling with your hormone health


  • Don’t skip your supplements.
  • Swap high-intensity training for low-impact workouts, yoga, and runs. The SGS plans can guide you through this.
  • Increase your protein intake; Holly’s ebooks and instagram is full of delicious high-protein recipes.
  • Reduce your consumption of caffeine, processed foods, and refined sugar. – Foster connections with others, embrace emotional intimacy, and release oxytocin
  • Listen to your body, nourish it and feed its hunger signals.
  • Start your day with a balanced breakfast rich in protein and healthy fats, but don’t forget the carbs.

If you’re struggling


Don’t hesitate to seek help; reaching out for support was a pivotal step in my own healing journey. You’re not alone, and I’m here for you. Feel free to send me a DM on @wholesome.mils (IG and TikTok).

If your struggles persist, consider reaching out to a medical professional. I hope that by sharing my journey in health, fitness, and mental and physical well-being, you find comfort and inspiration.

You’re not abnormal or alone; you’re loved and cherished. Whether you’re part of the wholesome community or the strong girl society, you’re valued here, and this is a safe space. <3 <3 <3 <3

Mils xxxx



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Hey, I’m Millie, or more affectionately known as "Wholesome Mils."